Andy Climie
Andy Climie



At this wonderful time, you can have a Celebration of your union, that befits your partnership, personality and love for each other.

Your Wedding or Civil Partnership Ceremony can be as imaginative, unique, romantic or indeed, as traditional as you desire.

A day for sharing with family and friends, creating beautiful, wonderful memories that capture the essence of who you are as individuals and as a couple.

The Ceremony is completely designed with you and for you; to say the vows that you want to say to each other, with personal touches, in a setting chosen by you, and orchestrated how and with whom you desire; to include intimate moments and funny stories specific to both of you.

It is, nowadays, very popular to include handfasting or other symbolic elements that mean something meaningful and special to you.

The only restriction is your imagination, you can choose any venue dear to you, as it does not have to be licensed; your garden, a marquee, your local pub, on a beach, in a wood or at a festival.

The Ceremony need not cost a fortune and has no set rules.

These Ceremonies are ideal for couples marrying abroad or on their return, sharing their day with family and friends.

We all have to give notice of intent to marry. The legal requirements are that you have to repeat two sets of words, and sign the register in front of a registrar and two witnesses, in a registry office or approved venue. This process takes approx. 15 minutes and costs between £40 and £50. The Declaratory words are simply, "Are you ............(full name) free lawfully to marry ............(full name)? And you respond "I am", and the Contracting words, "I ............(full name) take you ............(full name) to be my wedded wife/husband (partner). That is it. Rings need not be exchanged.

You are free to have the Ceremony or Celebration of your choosing.

Whatever your personal wishes

Cost : £600 plus necessary travelling expenses and those costs incurred on your behalf. Which includes home visit, providing a full written ceremony and its agreement, written copy if required, liaison and other relevant support and advice.

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Sincere and Without Prejudice

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