Andy Climie
Andy Climie


Naming Ceremonies have been conducted for many years and 'welcome to the world' celebrations provide a personal and meaningful way to celebrate the arrival of your child.

Nowadays, many people do not want the traditional Christening service, but do feel the need to tell the world about their commitment and love for their child.

A name is very important to us and is part of our identity.

You can choose your own personal words, vows, readings, poems and music. You may wish to include your own family history or your own symbolism.

The Celebration or Ceremony is a great alternative, and the choice is yours.

Guardians (Supporting Adults or ' Godparents') can promise their commitment and ongoing support. You can involve as many family members and friends as you wish. Children may also be included in the Ceremony.

The Ceremony or Celebration of Life can be conducted at a setting that is personal to you and will be beautiful and memorable.

Whatever your wishes

Cost : £400 plus necessary travelling expenses and those costs incurred on your behalf. Which includes home visit, providing of a full written ceremony and its agreement, written copy if required, liaison and other relevant support and advice. The Baby Naming certificate.

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